作为一家已通过ISO9001认证公司, 我公司主要从事生产丙烯酸自抛光树脂,供应船舶漆专用原料,提供防污技术解决方案,定制生产防污漆、催化剂、杀菌剂等化学品,产品出口世界30多个国家。其中船舶防污漆的关键原料丙烯酸锌型自抛光树脂和丙烯酸硅型自抛光树脂为提升中国防污漆水平提供了可能。
口号: 没有最好,只有更好!
公司目标:在追求企业生存和发展的同时, 谋求员工的福利,提升员工的价值,并承担社会责任。
WUXI HonOR SHINE CHEMICAL is a rising professional chemical company. We manufacture Zinc ,Copper and Silyl Acrylate self polishing polymers for anti fouling marine paints,raw materials specially for antifouling marine paint, professional antifouling solution, catalysts,biocides and so on.
We have set up the R&D and manufacturing bases. based on high quality ,competitive prices and honest timely value-added services, we hope to create a reliable,mutually beneficial and trust worthy business relationships with all customers.
Mission: integrity, quality and honor;
Slogan: There is no best, only better!
Company goals: In pursuit of business development, to seek the welfare of employees, stress the value and growth of employees, and undertake social responsibility.